The traditions and culture of China is the most respected and talked about Asian culture. The people of China consume foods which keep them healthy. Hence Chinese food and dining traditions is equally popular across the globe.

It is a tradition that the senior most person take the seat first followed by the other elderly and remaining members who sit around. The host offer greetings to the senior members while arranging the food around the table, placing the main course at the centre of the table. Many authentic Chinese restaurants have round dining tables.
- Use of ‘Zhu’- Did you know that the chopsticks you use today actually had a name? ‘Zhu’ as it was named in ancient China, the puzzling yet clever use of chopsticks had its way through nipping vegetables in the soup to helping one to eat any kind of food comfortably. Chopsticks should not be used to stir food, place vertically or play with chopsticks as it is considered a bad omen.

- Pay great attention to dressing– An Invitee should always pay great deal of attention to dressing up wonderfully and arriving on time. This makes the host feel happy and the invite important.
Before one starts eating at the table, it is customary to wash every tableware which will be used for eating. They should be either washed with hot water or tea which helps to rinse away the impurities and germs.

Food should not be refused: It is rude to refuse the food that one is not finding very appetising. Once served, the food surrounding it is suggested to be consumed politely without using the word of denial to the food that one doesn’t want to.
Tea – a welcome drink : It is said that every restaurant in China serves Tea after you take seat and browse through the restaurant menu. Many authentic Chinese restaurants in Kolkata follow this tradition.